The Thing I Lose More than Anything

I lose something so frequently that it’s embarrassing. The embarrassment comes because once I do find it again, I swear this time I’ll never lose it. How could I? When I finally have it, it feels like freedom to enjoy (or at least find gratitude in) every single second of life. How could I lose…

If He is Risen

I wasn’t sure how to answer the recent question, “Will there be possums in Heaven?” “There better not be?” doesn’t seem fitting. Her heaven would be full of possums. “Will we sleep in heaven?” “I hope so!” would be my thought. “Please no!” would be hers. If so, she wants to share a bunk bed…

A House that’s Lived in

One of the core memories of my Dad growing up was that he was always wiping down the counters. Before breakfast, after breakfast, home from work, make a cup a coffee. He had a damp dish rag and he knew how to use it. This guy’s got a problem! I thought. What a weirdo! I…

Out of the Darkness

I felt it the moment we walked into the house. Everything was different and yet it was all the same. We opened the front door carrying an 8 pound human being and our whole world had changed. Except, there was my daughter playing on the same rug, in the same room. The furniture and the…

James’ Birth Story

The night before James was born, I had hit my breaking point. In the middle of the night, I told God, and Max I couldn’t do it one more day. I was physically miserable, having been in early labor for days, emotionally spent as my mental health starting declining with each day, and I was…

At Home in My Body

Just hours after having my daughter, almost 20 months ago, I remember looking in the mirror at myself in the hospital bathroom. I knew I would still “look pregnant” but what I saw still shocked me. Stretch marks, which were barely noticeable and hiding under my giant belly just hours before, had deepened and darkened…

Just a Few Things (2)

Let’s jump right into it! Here are just a few things on my mind lately: Addresses – A few months ago one of my friends needed my address and when she texted me for it, she jokingly apologized, calling our generation, “the generation that always asks each other for addresses.” And now, every time I…

On Toddler Meltdowns that aren’t from Toddlers

The scene this Saturday morning is much different from that of 12 hours ago. The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the house, along with the Cinnamon/Orange oil combination I am obsessed with diffusing. I am downstairs in my little office nook, sipping on the aforementioned coffee, listening to the sounds of my daughter…

Just a Few Things (1)

When it comes to making ambitious life goals and only working towards them for 3 days, I am your girl. I am ALL hype and little follow through. It is one of my least favorite things about myself and the reason I have announced countless half marathons, new morning routines and Whole 30 stints. I…

Awhile to get Here

Expectations have always been a doozy for me. A few weeks before my husband and I were to be married, he had a trip for work over to the East Coast. At the time, we had a journal that we wrote to each other in, because nonstop texting and seeing each other daily just wasn’t…